A trip to Santasport’s new sports testing environments a couple of years ago sparked new collaborations between FrostBit and sports operators. Now, the new MOCAPPE-project has been launched, where game-based products are being developed in the facilities of the sports institute.
Sports technology is a new acquaintance for us in the Game & XR Team, but all the more interesting. MOCAP, motion capture technologies, and a variety of sensor interfaces enable several different possibilities for creating sports games whose purpose is not just for fun, but for example, movement analysis and sports and coaching perspectives.
Sports games will be made in the two testing environments located at Santasport over the next two years in collaboration with companies and other local operators. Keep an eye on FrostBit’s communication channels (Instagram and LinkedIn) and stay tuned for current events or workshops related to the project. The official project page will soon be available at mocappe.fi.

‘MOCAP Systems in Gamifying Sports and Wellness Analysis’ is an ERDF project funded by the Regional Council of Lapland, with a implementation period of 1 October 2024 – 31 December 2026. The total budget of the project is €999,847, of which the EU funding share is €799,874 (80%) and the project implementers’ own funding shares are 20%.