Developing solutions for automation in extreme weather

Harsh weather conditions provide serious challenge for automated driving, since there is lack of experience in testing automated vehicles in such conditions. Vehicle automation is typically developed and tested for “normal” weather and road conditions, which is something that the ROADVIEW project will tackle on and find solutions for, by developing robust and co-efficient in-vehicle perception and systems.

Prototype of CARISSMA outdoor test facility in Carla

The project aims for creating advanced environmental and traffic detection and prediction systems, with limiting false detection and paying special attention to vulnerable road users (VRUs). The solutions will significantly improve the detection in harsh weather conditions such as fog, rain, or snow. See the comprehensive work plan from the project’s official website.

FrostBit will be leading the development of the environment Digital Twins together with Synthetic Data Solutions (SDS). The aim is to create Digital Twins for simulation testing in both controlled and real-world environments.


ROADVIEW (Robust Automated Driving in Extreme Weather)


1.9.2022 – 31.8.2026


9,7 million €


Tuomas Herranen

ROADVIEW is an EU-funded Horizon Europe Project with 16 partners from 7 countries. The project mission is to increase the co-operated innovation, testing and demonstration objectives in theEuropean project field and establish fast development and introduction of automated mobility.