Welcome to the autumn Jams!

The Frosted Game Jams are coming again the first weekend of November 3rd – 5th 2023! The jams are organized in the Lapland UAS Showroom, and the event starts as usual with a common theme declaration. Register beforehand no later than 1 November 2023, Wednesday at 23:59 , whether you came alone or with friends, or if you’re still looking for a team. The event is free and K18.

Each  team  is given  one computer and monitor. So please bring your own PC/laptop if you have one. Mice and keyboards are available for everyone. There is some board game materials for use, but be prepared to gather some of your own if you are looking for specifics. The event’s opening hours stretch late into the night – expect a lot of development hype, pizza and saunas! 😎


3. – 5.11.2023 (fri-sun)

FRI: Arrival and setup 17:00
FRI: Program starts 18:00
SAT: Midterm check 15:00
SUN: Ending seminar 17:00


Lapland UAS, Jokiväylä 11,
96300 Rovaniemi

Showroom & the space next to Café Lumen


What are Game Jams?

Game jams are short game development events, usually lasting a couple of days, where the aim is to make a game based on the common jam theme. The game can be anything from a board game to a VR game – there are hardly any restrictions. Anyone interested in game development (and over 18) is welcome to participate in these jams.

Frosted Game Jams were started in the spring of 2022, and the second jams were already held in the autumn of the same year. According to the participants, the atmosphere has been great, and the games even more amazing. The event is constantly being developed on the basis of experience. Check out previous events below!

More information

This year, we encourage participants to register in advance so that we can speed up the start of the program on Friday. Please also note that there is no possibility to stay overnight at the event.

Do you have any questions? Send a message to: Tuuli Nivala (first name.surname@lapinamk.fi) or join the Rovaniemi jams discord to discuss!

The event is supported by the ICT-engineering education of the Lapland University of Applied Sciences.